Get ready for Xavier Teens (Edge & Life Teen)! We’ve got several fun and exciting events planned this fall for our teens, so make sure to register at the link below by downloading and sending it to our Youth Director, Kira Ziola, at


The Sacrament of Confirmation completes Baptism and it empowers us for our mission and vocation. We first receive the Spirit at Baptism, and then are "sealed" by the Spirit in a special way in Confirmation, which is the "completion of baptismal grace" (CCC 1285). 

The sacrament preparation classes are for those 16+. Adults interested in receiving the sacrament should do so via RCIA.


El Sacramento de la Confirmación completa el Bautismo y nos empodera para nuestra misión y vocación. Primero recibimos el Espíritu en el Bautismo, y luego somos "sellados" por el Espíritu de manera especial en la Confirmación, que es la "plenitud de la gracia bautismal" (CCC 1285).

Las clases de preparación sacramental son para mayores de 16 años. Los adultos interesados en recibir el sacramento deben hacerlo a través de RICA.

St. Francis Xavier Youth Ministry’s mission is to respond to the social and spiritual needs of the teens in our parish by providing spirit filled programs, activities, and events that will allow them to express their faith as they encounter Christ and deepen their love for the Church and sacraments. Through our programs, events and outreach, we seek to draw young people into responsible participation in the life, work and mission of the parish community.

The spiritual and social needs of the youth are to be met with the committed leadership, guidance and support of our parish adults. The adults and youth of our parish are therefore provided with the opportunity to grow together in Christian faith. 

Weekly Xavier Teens Edge (6th through 8th grade) and Xavier Teens Life Nights (9th through 12th grade) replace the traditional classroom catechesis and offer a large group, interactive atmosphere where teens can grow in their understanding of God’s relevance in their lives while building community within the parish.

Weekly Xavier Teens Edge and Xavier Teens Life Nights’ primary goal is to encourage teens to develop a deeper relationship with Christ and to challenge them to live their faith as they carry out their daily lives.

Middle School Youth Ministry

Our 6th - 8th grade students meet weekly on Sunday mornings from 9:45 - 11:00 am for fun, faith and fellowship. Students will participate in diocesan and regional gatherings, as well as our local parish service projects, retreats and special events.  

Xavier Teens Edge allows youth to learn about their faith through talks, skits, videos, small group discussions and sharing what they know with their friends. As part of the Catholic Church’s mission to evangelize, middle school youth are encouraged to go out and bring their friends along.

High School Youth Ministry

Our 9th - 12th grade students meet weekly on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 - 8:30 pm for fun, faith, and fellowship. Students will learn to more actively live out our faith within the parish as well as out in the community.