Instagram: @sfx_stillwater

"HE WHO IS, is the principle of all names applied to God; for comprehending all in itself, it contains existence itself as an infinite & indeterminate sea of substance." - St. John Damascene
Come before the exposed Blessed Sacrament in the St. Teresa Chapel through Thursday, December 5th, at 5 pm.

If you have a Giving Tree ornament and present, please return them to the Parish Office by tomorrow, December 4th, so our volunteers can wrap them up and deliver them to those in need.
Thank you to all of our generous parishioners!
Si tiene un adorno y un regalo para el Árbol de Generosidad, devuélvalos a la Oficina Parroquial antes de mañana, 4 de diciembre, para que nuestros voluntarios puedan envolverlos y entregárselos a quienes los necesitan.
¡Gracias a todos nuestros generosos feligreses!

Join us in the Parish Hall this evening, December 3rd, at 6:30 pm as we continue our Becoming Catholic journey by discussing "St. Francis Xavier: His Important Mission" with Carol Schmidt.
This faith formation is open to all parishioners and the public.

Join us tomorrow, December 3rd, at 12:10 pm for Holy Mass to celebrate the patron saint of our parish on the Solemnity of St. Francis Xavier!
Confessions are available at 11:30 am. Light refreshments are served after Mass in the Parish Hall. No 5:30 pm daily Mass.

Bienvenidos a Louie y Lorenzo Bear, y Liam D. Sanchez como los católicos más nuevos en su día de bautismo, el 1 de diciembre.
Welcome to Louie and Lorenzo Bear, and Liam D. Sanchez as the newest Catholics on their day of baptism, December 1st.

“A New Liturgical Year” - Fr. Healey’s homily for the First Sunday of Advent.
Livestreamed on December 1, 2024, for the 11:15 am Holy Mass from St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church.

Felicitaciones a Julian J. Sanchez y Alan J. Sanchez por recibir la Primera Comunión hoy, 1 de diciembre.
Congratulations to Julian J. Sanchez and Alan J. Sanchez for receiving First Holy Communion today, December 1st.

"Show us, Lord, your love; and grant us your salvation." Psalm 85:8
Happy Liturgical New Year! Join us for Holy Mass as we celebrate the First Sunday of Advent.
Mass Times | Sunday 8:30 am, 11:15 am, 1:00 pm (en español)