Finance Council
The Finance Council advises the Pastor regarding the management of parish finances and property. They review operating procedures and help develop the parish budget. Members are appointed by the Pastor for three-year terms.
Contact: Jessica Musshafen
Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council advises the Pastor regarding the promotion of evangelization at our parish. They assess parish needs, advise on parish programs, encourage parish participation in spiritual and apostolic life, and provide a forum for parish dialogue. The Pastor, in conjunction with the current council members, appoints parish council members for a three-year term.
Contact: Jill Metzger,
Stewardship Council
The Stewardship Council advises the Pastor regarding the development of stewardship as away of life for the parishioners. They build a parish community of involvement and participation while encouraging personal faith growth. The committee also evaluates the stewardship efforts of the parish, assists with the Stewardship Renewal, and liaisons with ministry leaders to provide awareness and encourage ministry participation. The Pastor, in conjunction with
the current Stewardship Council members, appoints new council members for a three-year term.
Contact: Joe Hladik,
Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the priests in the celebration of the Holy Mass and may be requested to assist in other liturgical functions as well (for example, Stations of the Cross during Lent). This is open to anyone who is at least eight years old or in the third grade. Periodic training sessions are held throughout the year, as needed.
Contact: Fr. Robert Healey, 405-372-6886,
The choir provides vocal and instrumental music for weekend Masses and occasionally for
special Masses and services. Weekly practices are typically on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m.
The choir sings at the 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass, but choir members are welcome to sing or play with the cantors at the Saturday 5 p.m. Vigil Mass and the Sunday 11:15 a.m. Mass. Information for each week is sent out via Flocknote. Joining the choir does not mean a commitment to sing every week. We welcome those who can join us even occasionally. We welcome singers and instrumentalists of any age.
Contact: Matt Cabeen,
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The distribution of Holy Communion at Mass is a sacred ministry of the ordained. However, when the need arises, fully initiated Christian men and women may be invited to collaborate in the ministry of the ordained to their sisters and brothers. In addition to bringing the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ to the people of God, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion witness to faith in the real presence of Christ by their actions and by the dignity and reverence with which they treat the Body of Christ. EMHC are men and women mandated by the Bishop of Tulsa to collaborate in the ministry of the ordained when a true pastoral need exists as determined by the pastor. (Diocese of Tulsa, 2018)
Contact: Marilyn Seiler,
Greeters provide parishioners and visitors with joy as they enter the church for weekend Masses. They also are the friendly faces that distribute our parish bulletins following the celebration of Mass. Individuals and families are welcome to become greeters at the Mass they usually attend.
Contact: Cheryl Palladino,
Lectors assist in the Liturgy of the Word at Mass by proclaiming the readings of the Old and New Testaments in an inspiring and meaningful way. They carefully review the Scripture passages and practice reading them aloud before coming to church. Lectors serve during the daily and weekend Masses.
Contact: CC Crane,
Sacristans are parish men who prepare the sacred vessels, missals, and other liturgical items needed for each liturgy and ensure that they are properly cleaned and stored.
Contact: Fr. Robert Healey,
Altar Care Ministry
The Altar Care Ministry prepares the church for the weekend Masses and the following seasons: Lent, Easter, Advent, and Christmas. There are four groups consisting of:
Easter & Christmas Decorating
This group of volunteers helps decorate the church and narthex for Christmas and Easter.
Contact: Julie Lauvetz,
Assisting with cleaning and preparing altar linens used during Mass.
Contact: Jenny Nelson, jjnelson1@suddenlink.netSt. Teresa of Calcutta Chapel
Helping keep our chapel beautiful by restocking votive candles on a weekly basis.
Contact: Lanette Hickenbottom, nethickenbottom@gmail.comWeekend Altar Prep
Prepare the sanctuary for the weekend Masses by renewing the holy water, preparing the candles, and cleaning the sanctuary.
Contact: Karen Bisges,
Ushers provide a welcoming, safe, and secure church atmosphere. They perform supporting duties before, during, and after each Mass, including seating people for services, identifying gift bearers, collecting and securing the offering, and preparing the nave for the next service.
Contact: Daryl Krehbiel,
Parish Life
Cleaning Angels
The Cleaning Angels assist with cleaning projects around the parish, including dusting and polishing the pews in the Chapel and Nave. The Cleaning Angels also dust the baseboards.
Contact: Amanda Petrin, 405-338-7543,
Collection Ministry
The collection ministers are responsible for counting all Sunday, Holy Day, Special and Miscellaneous collections. These trained volunteers spend their time and talents sorting, counting, and recording collections weekly. Collection Ministry volunteers work closely with Erin Johnson, Database Manager.
Contact: Deacon Randy Hearn, 405-338-1506,
Cookie Ministry
The Cookie ministers provide a welcoming atmosphere to guests, and freshly baked cookies are made available (along with coffee) in the Parish Welcome Center. Members of the committee are needed to bake cookies on a monthly schedule.
Contact: Jill Metzger,
Eucharistic Adoration
Adorers spend time in prayer, meditation, and adoration in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Their devotion provides an outpouring of grace in our parish. Our very first step in our Parish Mission is to Encounter God. This is what is offered to you in Adoration. A time to talk to God and to hear God’s word in your life. Hours, including evening, night and early morning hours are being planned and will soon be available.
Richard Cronk,
Judith Cronk,
Hospitality Ministers coordinate light snacks and refreshments following the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Members work in groups for two-to-three-hour shifts (including Mass time). Duties include serving food and beverages, as well as performing light cleanup.
Cathy Albright, and
Toni Smith,
Humble Hands
The Humble Hands Ministry’s purpose is to help repair, maintain, improve, and protect our grounds and facilities. This volunteer opportunity is available to all parishioners from our English and Hispanic communities who may have experience in various trades, are capable of physical labor, and like working with their hands. Some examples of our ministry tasks are but are not limited to changing air filters in the 35 heat pumps 2 to 3 times per year, removing and cleaning off the wasp and mud dauber nests around the exterior of the building, performing routine maintenance on various appliances, and correcting drainage issues in the parking lot.
Contact: James Atkins, 405-338-1510,
Kitchen Angels
The Kitchen Angels ministers assist with cleaning and organizing the kitchen where needed.
Contact: Amanda Petrin, 405-338-7543,
Knights of Columbus - Council #5266
The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal service organization of men founded under the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. The Knights of Columbus provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, the parish, the community, families, and young people. Our local council is also active in many philanthropic areas, including the Center of Family Love in Okarche, Special Olympics of Oklahoma, and Birthright. Once a month after Mass at St. Francis Xavier, the Knights of Columbus provide a full breakfast following 8:30 a.m. Mass.
Contact: Maury Campbell,
Lenten Dinner
Each Friday during Lent, a different ministry provides an evening meat-free meal after the Stations of the Cross. Lenten Dinner ministers coordinate, set up, and clean up for the parish dinners.
Contact: Amanda Petrin, 405-338-7543,
Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Natural Family Planning (NFP) ministers provide fertility education for parishioners. NFP uses all-natural and highly effective scientific methods to record and interpret signs of fertility so that couples can delay or achieve pregnancy. In keeping with Church teaching, NFP honors the dignity of the human person by respecting the natural rhythms and functions of the body. The main NFP class series, comprising three classes spaced roughly one month apart, is typically offered three times throughout the year for engaged or married couples. During these classes, couples learn how to effectively detect and interpret their own signs of fertility and infertility, and couples apply that knowledge to their own lives. In addition to the “Main Class Series,” “Postpartum” and “Premenopause” classes are also offered by request. Classes are offered through the Couple-to-Couple League (CCL). To learn more and register, please visit the CCL website at and search for live onsite classes near ZIP code 74075. Classes are taught by Rose and Matt Cabeen.
Contact: Rose & Matt Cabeen,
New Parishioner Welcoming Committee
This committee welcomes new parishioners through personal contact and by hosting various events. Members help new parishioners feel welcome by their new parish family.
Contact: Amanda Petrin, 405-338-7543,
Parish Library Ministry
The librarians offer parishioners high-quality theological and spiritual books for their growth in faith. The librarians shelve and organize the collection of over 500 books.
Contact: Sandy Soulek,
Parish Office Volunteers
The volunteer receptionists staff the Welcome Center at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church. They provide a warm welcome, answer questions, and assist members of the office staff with parish-related needs.
Contact: Karen Bisges, 405-372-6886,
Saturday Rosary Group
Saturday Rosary Group meets at St. Francis Xavier every Saturday at 8 a.m. to pray the Rosary and increase devotion to the Blessed Mother. The first Saturday of the month observes the scripture Rosary prayer format. Afterward, participants are invited to attend the 9 a.m. Mass or enjoy breakfast together!
Contact: Kevin Larios,
Sod Squad: Church Gardens & Grounds
The parishioners of the Sod Squad assist with lawn care and grounds maintenance through various tasks, such as flower gardening, mowing, weed eating, edging, and general upkeep of the gardens
and grounds. They are involved in hands-on projects that may include mowing and landscaping during the spring-fall seasons and snow removal in the winter.
Contact: Walter Howell,
Spanish/English Language Classes
St. Francis Xavier offers two weekly Spanish classes. Come learn to communicate with our vibrant community of Spanish-speaking parishioners and explore the fascinating lifeways of Latin America and Spain. Our classroom will allow you to embrace new ways of life and meet some of the Spanish-speaking members of our parish’s growing family.
Dr. Cida Chase,
Luz Florez,
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction can be defined as a process carried out in the context of a one-on-one relationship in which a competent guide helps another to grow in the spiritual life by means of personal encounters that have the directee’s spiritual growth as its explicit focus. The spiritual director facilitates discernment and exploration of feelings, senses, and images of the Directee to recognize the Spirit at work. This ministry is for those individuals who are willing to engage regularly (approximately monthly) in an open sharing between themselves and a trained spiritual director on the fundamental activity of the interior life, namely, prayer, both as it is directly experienced by the individual and as it affects his/her daily life.
Contact: Marilyn Seiler,
Xavier Women
The ministers foster fellowship among women of the St. Francis Xavier Parish and the community of Stillwater. They provide services for other members of the parish, such as bereavement meals, compassion meals, new baby welcoming, sacramental receptions, scholarships, the St. Francis Xavier Parish Festival, and the Women’s Lenten Retreat. They also participate in the activities of the Stillwater Church Women United and the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. Meetings are held on the third Monday of the month. All women of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church are considered members of the Stillwater Catholic Women.
Contact: Kathy Bidelspach,
Compassion Meals
The Compassion Meal Ministers assist in arranging meals for those recuperating, grieving,
or experiencing other critical conditions. This parish service is managed by the Stillwater Catholic Women.
Contact: Denise Stevenson,
New Baby Welcome
Upon the arrival of a new baby, members of this ministry assemble meals and gifts to provide support to the growing family. The members deliver these items to the family in hopes of building fellowship as the new, little, precious member is welcomed into our parish community. This service is managed by the Stillwater Catholic Women.
Contact: Kathy Bidelspach,
St. Francis Xavier Parish Festival
The Parish Festival Ministers coordinate the annual Parish Festival that is held on a weekend near the Feast of St. Francis Xavier (Dec. 3). The festival includes a sale of handmade gifts and homemade baked goods/candies donated by our generous parishioners. There are activities for children, a variety of delicious foods for lunch, and Christian fellowship. The annual parish festival is stewarded by the Stillwater Catholic Women.
Contact: Margie Ponce,
Wrapped in Prayer
Parishioners meet to pray and lend their skills to this compassion ministry by knitting and/or crocheting prayer shawls and baby blankets. This ministry meets in the Parlor from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on every first, second, and third Wednesday of the month and in the conference room on the fourth Wednesday of the month. All are invited who either already know how to knit/crochet or would like to learn.
Jenny Nelson,
Margie Ponce,
Youth Faith Formation
Catholic Homeschool Group
This ministry provides support for parish families that homeschool their children, as well as community service opportunities and social activities.
Contact: Catie Hanson,
High School Lunch
The High School Lunch volunteers prepare lunch for all high school students from 12-1 p.m. on Fridays in the parish gymnasium. They assist with activities such as shopping, cooking, serving, and cleanup. Gift cards are welcome to help pay for the food and supplies.
Contact: Toni Smith,
St. Francis Xavier Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC)
The Early Childhood Development Center at St. Francis Xavier provides care for children ages 1-4 during the school year and up to age 8 in the summer. ECDC is an extension of the family and offers a Christian learning experience within a safe environment. Parents are the primary educators of their children, and we recognize that the school alone cannot attain the total development of the child. We strive to assist parents in fulfilling their responsibilities and consider ourselves partners in the education of the whole child: spiritually, morally, intellectually, physically, emotionally, and socially. Following the example of Jesus’ love for the young, we strive to teach as he did and to develop each student’s abilities and talents. We strive to teach and instill Christ-like attitudes and values so that each of our students will be able to think, act, and live like Christ and recognize and fulfill his/her obligations and responsibilities as members of their family, school, community, nation, world, and Church. We are actively looking for volunteers to help in the classrooms and with meal preparation.
Contact: Claudia Ogrin, 405-334-5154,
ECDC Advisory Board
The St. Francis Xavier Early Childhood Development Center Advisory Board works with the Director, Parish Pastor, and teachers to collaboratively meet the needs of all children and parents involved in the school program. The advisory board provides counsel to the administration regarding policies related to financial administration, personnel, curriculum, and other topics as needed. The board’s scope of responsibility includes discussion and action regarding fundraising, the annual budget, personnel issues, and other related matters. The board consists of 11 members: The ECDC Director, Assistant Director, Parish Pastor, Parish Associate Pastor, Chairperson, Secretary, Parent Representative, and four at-large members.
Contact: Claudia Ogrin, 405-334-5154,
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School Ministry Team members coordinate and assist with our annual summer Vacation Bible School program for children Pre-K through fifth grade. The VBS Ministry Team’s mission is to provide a welcoming, fun, and safe atmosphere for our kids to be able to feel comfortable, meet friends, have fun, and grow in their love for Jesus! Adults and youth in sixth grade or above are welcome and encouraged to volunteer.
Contact: Korey Hicks, 405-372-6886,
Xavier Kids Ministry Team
The Xavier Kids Ministry Team’s mission is to assist in the faith formation of children in pre-K through fifth grade. Team members assist in faith formation in the following ways: setting up for Xavier Kids events, leading small groups, teaching group lessons, leading and brainstorming games, operating our check-in and check-out system, as a member of the welcoming crew to greet and help create a hospitable and fun environment for the kids during Xavier Kids events, and assisting with First Communion and First Reconciliation Sacrament Preparation classes.
Contact: Korey Hicks, 405-372-6886,
Xavier Teen (Edge & Life Teen)
Volunteers assist in carrying out the Xavier Teens Program for middle school-age students and high school-age students. This ministry offers spiritual, social, and service events focused on inviting youth to live a more active faith life. The youth are challenged to examine various aspects of their faith and to grow in their understanding of the teachings of the Catholic Church. Participants help shape our parish and prepare themselves to proclaim the Gospel to the whole world. The Xavier Teens Program meets on Sunday evenings. Confirmation begins in 11th grade. The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated during the 11th-grade year of high school.
Contact: Kira Ziola, 405-338-1509,
Adult Faith Formation
Becoming Catholic (also known as OCIA)
Becoming Catholic is a way for non-Catholics to learn what the Catholic faith is all about, what we believe, and why we believe it. We are always looking for sponsors to walk in faith with those learning and growing in a relationship with Jesus. This group meets weekly, beginning in September to the Easter Vigil. This ministry needs sponsors and assistance with hospitality, food, setup, and cleanup.
Contact: Korey Hicks,
Catholic Young Adults (CYA)
The mission of Catholic Young Adults is to put parishioners in their 20s and 30s in touch, communication, and relationship with Jesus Christ through faith and fellowship with the greater Catholic Young Adult Community. Follow us on social media or the Parish website for upcoming events!
Contact: Fr. Healey, 405-372-6886,
Retreat in Daily Life (RIDL)
Since the sixteenth century, when St. Ignatius of Loyola created the Spiritual Exercises, people from all walks of life have been drawn to this powerful retreat experience. The most common form of the Spiritual Exercises used today is “The Retreat in Daily” or the 19th Annotation Retreat. Those desiring to make this retreat commit to a specified time of daily personal prayer (minimum of 30-45 minutes) with scripture followed by reflection on the prayer and the keeping of a journal totaling one hour. This 32-week prayer journey occurs between September and May of each year and is for those who want to live more deeply in a relationship with God. It is a time set apart in the midst of everyday life to help participants discern more clearly God’s movement in their hearts, heed His call, and act as disciples bringing His message to others using their unique gifts and graces.
Contact: Marilyn Seiler,
Small Faith Sharing Community (formerly Sunday Morning Discussion Group)
Group discussions focus on understanding the Scripture readings as the readings relate to one’s day-to-day lived experiences. Participants can explore their awareness of how God works in their lives, to share how their faith affects their spiritual well-being, to express their gratitude for God’s blessings, and to pray for personal, local, and global needs. Participants meet on Sundays at 10 a.m.
Contact: Clem & Mimi Ward,
OWLS (Older, Wiser, Livelier Saints) 55+ Club
The members of this group unite to establish a closer bond with each other. They provide social and spiritual support through regularly scheduled activities. The OWLS meet in the Parish Hall at 11:30 a.m. on the second Wednesday of each month unless there is a scheduled outing.
Sandy Soulek,
Mary Davenport,
The parishioners of St. Francis Xavier are very proud of their new church home and enjoy showing newcomers the wonderful things inside the church and its facilities. The Ambassadors volunteer to give tours to those interested in seeing the beauty and learning more about St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church.
Contact: Karen Bisges, 405-372-6886,
Bereavement Meal Ministry
As a service to grieving families, our parish provides a meal following the funeral service. Often, these meals can be quite large, so many volunteers are needed to prepare and serve the meal. The activities of this outreach program are managed by the Stillwater Catholic Women.
Contact: Mona Pratt,
Birthright of Stillwater
Birthright is a pro-life crisis pregnancy center that provides free, confidential services, including pregnancy tests, emotional support, baby clothes, diaper assistance, and non-judgmental help. Birthright also makes referrals for prenatal support, financial resources, employment, housing, legal/social assistance, parenting classes, and adoption. To learn more about Birthright, visit their website at
Contact Birthright for services: 1-800-550-4900 (Toll-Free) 405-332-1555 (Texting Option)
Contact: Jeanne Campbell, 405-377-5683,
Giving Tree
At Christmastime each year, this ministry gathers gifts for those who are less fortunate. Previous recipients include Birthright, Mission of Hope, Mother Teresa Ministry, Wings of Hope, among others, as well as local families. After parishioners donate gifts by picking an ornament from the tree and getting the item(s) requested, ministry volunteers help sort and organize the gifts for each family or recipient. We often receive over 150 gifts each Christmas for families in need.
Contact: Kathleen Bays,
Grief Support Ministry
The Grief Support Ministry coordinates Seasons of Hope, a Catholic faith-based support group for those who have experienced loss. This support group consists of six weekly sessions, where participants explore mourning through Scripture, prayer, reflection activities, and faith sharing. Individual grief support sessions are also available.
Contact: Brandi Bishop,
Health & Wellness Ministry
The Health and Wellness Ministry embodies the compassionate healing love of Jesus Christ. Focusing on body, mind, and
spirit wellness, we provide outreach through education and advocacy in the parish and the larger community. The Health and Wellness Ministry is led by the parish nurse and is composed of parishioners with an interest in promoting health and wellness. Programs and services coordinated by the Health and Wellness Ministry include monthly blood pressure clinics, coordination of support groups, personal health coaching, referrals to community resources, bereavement and caregiver support, and health education through classes, seminars, and weekly bulletin articles.
Contact: Brandi Bishop,
Homebound Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion visit Catholics who are physically or mentally unable to join the community for the celebration of Mass, meeting them where they reside in their home or care facility to maintain a connection between them and the Catholic Community. Flexible Schedule.
Contact: Marilyn Seiler,
Love Thy Neighbor
Food Backpack Program
The Food Backpack Ministry ensures that every child from Stillwater Middle School who has a need will receive nutritional food to eat on the weekends while away from school. Currently, the ministry is serving over 45 children per week, which amounts to over 1,400 food bags per school year. Members of the ministry help prepare the food bags and distribute them to the school weekly. Each volunteer signs up to deliver food bags to the Middle School for one month of the school year.
Contact: Darlene Waggoner,
Mother Teresa Ministry
The Mother Teresa Ministry’s mission is to respond to the Gospel message of Jesus by assisting the poor and marginalized in our community. This is accomplished by sharing gifts given to us with those whose immediate and critical needs cannot be met from other sources (public agencies, churches, family, and friends). Volunteers respond weekly to phone message requests for assistance and issue vouchers as appropriate. Specific collections are designated to support this ministry on Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, and four Holy Days when not on a Sunday (Jan. 1, Aug. 15, Nov. 1, and Dec. 8). Individual donations are welcome at any time.
Contact: Clem Ward,
Our Daily Bread
On the third Monday of each month, volunteers from St. Francis Xavier assist shoppers and stock shelves for Our Daily Bread, a non-profit food and resource center for Payne County. On the designated day, volunteers meet at Our Daily Bread at 12:45 p.m. (701 E 12th Street in Stillwater). We gather for a brief orientation prior to startup. Volunteers should wear closed-toe shoes and comfortable clothes. St. Francis Xavier parishioners may donate nonperishable food to Our Daily Bread by placing food in the tub labeled “Our Daily Bread,” located in the narthex of the church. Parishioners may also donate clean plastic bags and clean egg cartons. Additional information may be found at
Contact: Clem Ward,
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers are parishioners who have completed 50 hours of training and are ready to provide you with the confidential, one-to-one Christian care you need to make it through a crisis or help you through a difficult time. Stephen Ministers are not counselors but will meet with you on a regular basis for as long as your need persists.
Contact: Mary Ellen Holley,
Pre-Cana Classes (Marriage Prep)
Couples preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony are invited to participate in Pre-Cana classes with the Pastor and at
the diocesan level. A team of married couples from the parish provides presentations and leads discussions on related topics. Couples are asked to contact the priest or deacon at least six months in advance of the planned wedding date to attend Natural Family Planning classes and to register for a Marriage Preparation retreat.
Contact: Father Robert Healey,