Register for “Becoming Catholic”
(also known as RCIA)
To register online, click the link below and fill out the Google Form. Once registered, you will receive an email with more information about Becoming Catholic.
If you prefer a PDF version of the RCIA Registration form, please click the link below, download, print, fill it out, and email it to the Director of Evangelization & Formation, Korey Hicks, at korey@sfxstillwater.org.
For more information about Becoming Catholic, contact the Director of Evangelization & Formation, Korey Hicks, at korey@sfxstillwater.org.
“Why I Became Catholic”
Video Series
We will release a new video each week from a parishioner sharing their experience and how their life has changed since becoming Catholic.
Would you like to know more about God and his plans for you? Do you desire an intimate relationship with the Trinity - the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - in the midst of a community of disciples? God loves you and desires to spend eternity with you in Heaven! Come and find out how He has made that possible!
Classes begin August 20th and will meet weekly on Tuesday evenings until Easter Vigil. However, we want to walk with you along the path of discipleship towards Jesus Christ, even if classes are not in session!
Here is a breakdown of the periods and steps toward initiation into the Catholic faith...
First Period: The Period of Inquiry or Pre-Catechumenate
This initial period is characterized by a "come and see" attitude. Those inquiring into the Roman Catholic faith come together in a group and, through weekly meetings, learn the outlines of the Catholic faith. It is a time to ask questions about the RCIA process and how we can come to know Jesus Christ in the midst of His Church.
The sessions are free and do not imply a commitment to join the Catholic Church. All are invited to learn the truth about the Catholic faith and to meet some of our parish members who serve in this ministry. These gatherings are open to adults (15+) who are not baptized and those who are baptized Christians from other faith backgrounds. Practicing Catholics who are interested in learning more about their faith are also welcome.
Here at St. Francis Xavier, we invite you to inquire about becoming Catholic anytime. Inquirers interested in continuing will join the regular sessions, which meet most Tuesday evenings at 6:00 pm beginning August 20th, 2024. Watch the bulletin for more information or contact the Director of Evangelization & Formation, Korey Hicks.
Second Period: The Period of the Catechumenate
This period is characterized by a deeper look at the faith professed by the Catholic Church, seeking to impart an understanding of the Faith in such a way as to transform the life of the participant.
Third Period: The Period of Purification and Enlightenment
This period continues what has gone on in the Catechumenate, with an emphasis on personal conversion. During this period, the Church prays for the Elect in a special way.
For those who have determined that they are prepared to enter the Catholic Church, the Sacraments of Initiation are normally celebrated at the Easter Vigil. At the Mass late on Saturday evening, those who were previously baptized make a profession of faith and receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. Those who are not already baptized receive all three sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.
Fourth Period: The Period of Mystagogia
This period continues for about seven weeks after Easter. The focus is on a deepening understanding and practice of the sacramental life. The grace received in the sacraments at the Easter Vigil allows the new Catholics (neophytes) to understand better and appreciate the Church's sacred mysteries.
We genuinely look forward to walking with you on your path of exploration and spiritual discovery!
More information?
For more information about RCIA, visit the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website at http://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/who-we-teach/rite-of-christian-initiation-of-adults/.
If you have more questions, contact the Director of Evangelization & Formation, Korey Hicks, at korey@sfxstillwater.org or (405) 372-6886.
More questions about the faith? Formed.org is a great resource.